Friday, September 30, 2011

Kinect Body movement & Alchemy Graphic approach

Apart from the driver problem. There was a recording problem, it turns out running, FAAST, ALCHEMY, FRAPS is too heavy for the computer. When all three were on alchemy couldn't detect the mouse left hold button assigned by FAAST. I was able to record one decent video with FRAPS, but the other 2 videos were recorded on the iphone. I should be looking for a lighter recording program.

On with the project now, made a new interface controller setup. The right hand controls the mouse and the left hand across the body is the left mouse button click and hold. Following up on the previous idea of glossolalia and asemic graphic of the "tongue" in Christianism, the body movements resemble more of the people in church while they're "feeling the presence." Right hand that stretches out to the sky and the left hand that is touching their own "heart". Now to add voice control!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Minor difficulties

Hahaha. I updated the drivers for the kinect sensors and now it doesn't work with FAAST!! I just tried to make it work with open frameworks. I think I'm just gonna study basic C++ on my own, then jump to OF for my own satisfaction and leave the project to FAAST and Alchemy. Uninstalling and installing is tedious. I should be thinking of concepts of how to use alchemy as an interactive game. Planning out a learning curve to making graphic.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kinect and Alchemy

Testing out Kinect with Alchemy. Here I'm using FAAST and connected the left hand to the mouse, and used the right hand as the right mouse click hold button. Since the speed of the mouse becomes a constant, alchemy loses the sense of analogue touch. It seems interesting if I can place all the hot keys with a certain movement, it may be a performance/or a daily routine that paints. Anyways for now Alchemy works with my left hand hahaha. Now to upload the video.




Sunday, September 18, 2011

Korean-Panamanian, Indie-Culture Lover, Media-enthuasist, "Zealously-religious" (to others), Lover of Brainstorming/ Design Thinking. Waiting to find a niche, a consolation between faith and media. Born in 1985 and slowly aging, a typical romantist that thinks a bit much without a critical plan of his future. Not realistic in terms of making a living in the near future. Dull-nonsensical person that "tries" to hold faith, that struggles between meanings of typical actions and thoughts AND its consequences either direct or indirect; small or big; meaningless or meaningful. (of course within my chain/strain of thoughts and beliefs in faith)