Sunday, December 4, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
While the last experiment had a somewhat constant thickness for the line drawing, in this experiment the line is less constant in its thickness. I've changed the settings for the response time of the line, while 0.1 leaves the line to react in a later time, this experiment is set to 1 and reacts right away to any blob it detects and sometimes create large triangular shapes. At the start, after the waiting, I do a simple tutting position in which it creates a large triangle between the two arms.
The graphic style as a vector is different for both the thin constant and large random thickness lines. While the former graphical style seems much sophisticated and the user may see the direct corrolation with his/her arm movement to the line. The latter creates a much abstract rendering of our movement. Either line is much more interesting when the user is able to see it as a 3D object. In which it becomes an enlightment stage of the object being directly related spatially to their body movements.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Trying out a vector graphic style drawn in 3D space. By erasing one of the vertex points created for the 3d line, it creates a vector line object. The disadvantage to this is that, the drawing looks seemingly flat without the 3d rotation tool to work. But when implementing the 3d rotation by detecting 2 blobs, most users got confused or had difficulty controlling it. There seems to be a different space to realize drawing versus controlling the object with 2 hand blobs, but most users do not realize it for they only watch the line drawing.
The other alternative is to increase the minimum detecting size of the blob so a full human body maybe detected. So one person in front of the system draws lines, while participation of two people controls the rotating of the object in 3D space. In this video the camera detects smaller blobs, so the object rotates even with one person.
Using: Memo Atkens kinect3Ddraw demo, open Frameworks, kinect
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sketchy Vision of the Project

Monday, October 24, 2011
Testing the KinectDraw3D of Memo Akten, changed the color of the line to white and figured out how to change the style of the brush, but since it's using GL it's limited to those styles. Currently TRIANGLES, TRIANGLE_STRIP, POLYGON looks the best. Trying to figure out how to change the width by movement.
Testing with Children, there was only one kid there. Though it seems she's not as young to be blissfully moving around. Holding the kinect upward to let it seem to follow her trail was most active of the child. Will post video later.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Research Drawing Machines
Desmond Paul Henry. He made drawin machines out of old analogue computers used in World War II. These computers contained: gyros, motors, gears, and a telescope. Henry modified the machine to draw line drawings which were "complex, abstract, asymmetrical, curvilinear, repetititive"(1960s) Fractal mathematics and techonology.
Jason Thielke. drawings have a sort of mechanical quality, the lines are captivating like the one below, the blue lines make up an interesting statement. Construction lines that are not construction lines. It be interesting to draw on top of already existing drawings or of the people, while the movements of either the wind or the circulation creates an additive effect like the ones below.

Playing around, no ideas, doodle, doodle
Inclined for drawing machines, either just wind, or human circulation. Drawing,Doodling with Al.chemy and Mr. Doob's Harmony.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Choosing between, finding a generative sequence for the Kinect to detect and draw or scripting my own drawing style. Both seems that I may need to look into scripting, which I am eager to learn. But within a short time? The dilemma. Well, as long as I solve one problem, it'll be fine. Except the first option I would need to tinker with either openCV or tuioKinect on WINDOWS, which means I would have to install other "things" and bump around all over. The second option I would need to tinker around with existing scripting for drawing applications such as Alchemy or Harmony, which means I would have to understand the script within its own language and/or try to translate into a different computer language or learn the language its on.
I need to come up with something inbetween. I need to come up with a concept first. Let's see I'm interested in drawings, words, paper, typography, generative, chiptune... A generative movement. Decay, Coins moving. Paper ripping. Space creation through the ripping of a paper in a slow process, or throwing of paper. A snow globe. Pages turning, Still all wind. Movement of shadows. Movement of glares, Movements of Temperature and Time. would be a graph.... enough doodling back to sleep.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
We love Alchemy. Playing around with alchemy. If only it can create such generative graphic with the Kinect sensor. Listing the drawing machines' input: Human Eye movement when watching a painting and drawing that; human sound and playing them back; using drawings of patented inventions (finding them by words); sounds of its own motors and surroundings in a circle; drawing of self with the aid of a computer that is tracking you; coop between human and machine; just pedaling into a geometric form. just adding power or the locomotiveness; sonar sensor array drawing sound waves; growth rendering machine - drawing growth of a plant every 24 hrs; following black line create sound.
Drawing something that one can not see or grasp. Drawing/ tracking a movement, a sound, a line drawing. Tracking a line and drawing it. What type of line? What type of? What type? What? ? Words? tracking words, and its movements in space.?
Video for Alchemy Drawing Style Test
Video for Alchemy Drawing Style Test.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Graphic Styles for Alchemy
Trying out different graphical styles for alchemy. All seem interesting, but there's something missing. The fourth one creates a nice animation while doing it, but it's too heavy to use with FAAST.

Friday, September 30, 2011
Kinect Body movement & Alchemy Graphic approach
Apart from the driver problem. There was a recording problem, it turns out running, FAAST, ALCHEMY, FRAPS is too heavy for the computer. When all three were on alchemy couldn't detect the mouse left hold button assigned by FAAST. I was able to record one decent video with FRAPS, but the other 2 videos were recorded on the iphone. I should be looking for a lighter recording program.
On with the project now, made a new interface controller setup. The right hand controls the mouse and the left hand across the body is the left mouse button click and hold. Following up on the previous idea of glossolalia and asemic graphic of the "tongue" in Christianism, the body movements resemble more of the people in church while they're "feeling the presence." Right hand that stretches out to the sky and the left hand that is touching their own "heart". Now to add voice control!
On with the project now, made a new interface controller setup. The right hand controls the mouse and the left hand across the body is the left mouse button click and hold. Following up on the previous idea of glossolalia and asemic graphic of the "tongue" in Christianism, the body movements resemble more of the people in church while they're "feeling the presence." Right hand that stretches out to the sky and the left hand that is touching their own "heart". Now to add voice control!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Minor difficulties
Hahaha. I updated the drivers for the kinect sensors and now it doesn't work with FAAST!! I just tried to make it work with open frameworks. I think I'm just gonna study basic C++ on my own, then jump to OF for my own satisfaction and leave the project to FAAST and Alchemy. Uninstalling and installing is tedious. I should be thinking of concepts of how to use alchemy as an interactive game. Planning out a learning curve to making graphic.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Kinect and Alchemy
Testing out Kinect with Alchemy. Here I'm using FAAST and connected the left hand to the mouse, and used the right hand as the right mouse click hold button. Since the speed of the mouse becomes a constant, alchemy loses the sense of analogue touch. It seems interesting if I can place all the hot keys with a certain movement, it may be a performance/or a daily routine that paints. Anyways for now Alchemy works with my left hand hahaha. Now to upload the video.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Korean-Panamanian, Indie-Culture Lover, Media-enthuasist, "Zealously-religious" (to others), Lover of Brainstorming/ Design Thinking. Waiting to find a niche, a consolation between faith and media. Born in 1985 and slowly aging, a typical romantist that thinks a bit much without a critical plan of his future. Not realistic in terms of making a living in the near future. Dull-nonsensical person that "tries" to hold faith, that struggles between meanings of typical actions and thoughts AND its consequences either direct or indirect; small or big; meaningless or meaningful. (of course within my chain/strain of thoughts and beliefs in faith)
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